See also:

Auboyer, Jeannine (1956). L’arc et la flèche dans l’iconographie ancienne de l’Inde. Artibus Asiae 19(3-4).

Best wishes.


Emmanuel Francis
Chargé de recherche CNRS, Centre d'étude de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud (UMR 8564, EHESS-CNRS, Paris)
Associate member, Centre for the Study of Manuscript Culture (SFB 950, Universität Hamburg)

2015-04-08 8:43 GMT+02:00 patrick mccartney <>:
Dear Vanessa, 

While the 2,200 year old complete crossbow recently discovered amongst the terracotta warriors in Xi'an, China is not from ancient India, perhaps it is still interesting to see a beautiful example of similar technology from the date range you seek. 

All the best,

Patrick McCartney

PhD Candidate
School of Culture, History & Language
College of the Asia-Pacific
The Australian National University
Canberra, Australia, 0200

Skype - psdmccartney

On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 11:00 AM, Walter Slaje <> wrote:
Benefit will also be drawn from consulting

Robert Krottenthaler, Die Jagd im alten Indien.
[Europäische Hochschulschriften. XXVII, 49]. Frankfurt/M. 1996.

Mehr Ali Newid: Waffen und Rüstungen im alten Indien. München 1986.


Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
Hermann-Löns-Str. 1
D-99425 Weimar

Ego ex animi mei sententia spondeo ac polliceor

studia humanitatis impigro labore culturum et provecturum

non sordidi lucri causa nec ad vanam captandam gloriam,

sed quo magis veritas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus

humani generis continetur, clarius effulgeat.

Vindobonae, die XXI. mensis Novembris MCMLXXXIII.

2015-04-08 2:31 GMT+02:00 Vanessa Sasson <>:

Dear colleagues,


I am trying to imagine what archery would have been like in ancient India (roughly 2500-2000 years ago). I am interested in archery techniques as well as archery materials (what would the bows and arrows have been made of?). Can anyone recommend some materials on this subject? I have been looking around, but have not yet found quite what I am looking for. It is for purposes of imagining the art more than anything else.


Many thanks,


Vanessa R. Sasson

Religious Studies

Marianopolis College


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