I forward this message on behalf of colleague: note that Christopher Minkowski and Joshua Katz will be teaching a class in this program on the Ṛgveda through "two kinds of philology" (European-style comparative philology and the Indian tradition of commentary). Please forward to interested students.





We hereby invite doctoral students and early career scholars to apply for a summer school on “Globalized Classics”, held in Berlin, August/September 2015.

The summer university is devoted to the study of the Ancient World from comparative and interdisciplinary points of view. It will examine the impact of globalization and non-Western perspectives on the study of the Graeco-Roman Classics. It will also reflect on the principles and the history of classical scholarship, and compare these with non-Western learned practices of dealing with canonical texts and artefacts. 

The activities of the summer university will comprise two components, each of which can be attended separately:

(i) a seminar “Methodological Questions for Globalized Classics”, which will meet for three hours each weekday, August 10–21, 2015;

(ii) the summer school “Globalized Classics” proper, which will convene from August 24 until September 2, 2015, with meetings from 10 am until 6 pm each weekday. Students will take part in seminars on a topic of their choice (for topics see programme below); these will be complemented by plenary sessions with all students, which will be dedicated to comparative studies of Western and non-Western Classics and scholarship. The summer school will culminate in an academic conference on September 4–5, 2015

The Summer University will be taught by teams of leading scholars from universities across the world. For full details about the programme, please visit the website:


Eligibility and application procedure

The summer university is intended for doctoral students and early career scholars with competence in one of the areas included in the programme. The number of places on the summer university is limited.

Applicants can apply either (i) for participation in the Seminar “Methodological Questions for Globalized Classics”, or (ii) for participation in a section of the Summer School “Globalized Classics”, or (iii) for participation in both. It is important that applicants to the Summer School specify the section in which they wish to participate. 

Successful applicants will automatically qualify to receive a stipend toward their travel expenses and a part of their accommodation expenses. Students from outside Europe may receive up to 1.300 Euros in stipend, students from within Europe may receive up to 500 Euros. In addition, the August Boeckh Centre will assist student participants in finding accommodation.  

Applications should include an academic curriculum vitae, a 500-word description of the applicant’s research project and its relevance to the programme of the summer school, and the name and contact details of an academic reference.

Applications are due by April 1, 2015 and may be directed electronically to kosmos.globalized.classics@hu-berlin.de

Contact and further information

For more detailed information about the summer university please see 


or contact

Martin Stöckinger

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 6
10099 Berlin
Tel. +49 (30) 2093-70440  


This summer university is organized by the August Boeckh Centre for Ancient Studies at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through the University’s KOSMOS programme.

The Organizing Committee consists of:

Markus Asper
Professor of Greek and Director of the August Boeckh Centre, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Colin Guthrie King
Professor of Philosophy, Providence College; Honorary Fellow, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 

Martin Stöckinger
Academic Co-ordinator of the August Boeckh Centre, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Philip van der Eijk
Alexander von Humboldt Professor of Classics and History of Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin