​Many of us work with Indian manuscripts.  I'd like to draw attention to a LaTeX package called biblatex-manuscripts-philology, written by Maïeul Rou­quette.  It offers an extention to the amazing biblatex package that gives a formal, structured way of recording and printing manuscript data.  The package has two goals:
  1. To provide a new datatype: @manuscripts fields specifically for manuscript information;
  2. To provides new bibliography styles to print the list of manuscripts:
    • As a detailed list of witnesses of a text.
    • As a conspectus siglorum.
The package's example file gives an idea of what the output can look like.

If a number of people start using this -- and extending it as necessary for Sanskrit sources -- we'll gradually build up a useful resource that could be shared.

The One True Way is XML.  But some of us, myself included, still prefer using TeX because it gives an immediate result, and one can stay more focussed on the writing and thinking.

Dominik Wujastyk