Sorry, I meant Taittirīya-Saṃhitā

Timothy Lubin
Professor of Religion and Adjunct Professor of Law
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450

From: <Lubin>, Tim <>
Date: Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 7:25 AM
To: Alessandro Battistini <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Identifying Vedic passages



Timothy Lubin
Professor of Religion and Adjunct Professor of Law
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, Virginia 24450

From: Alessandro Battistini <>
Date: Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 7:10 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Identifying Vedic passages

Dear Members,
I am reading a passage of Kumārasvāmin on Vidyānātha's Pratāparudrīya (7.8). While glossing the term "akṣṇayā" the editor (C. Sankara Rama Sastri for Sri Balamanorama Press) makes the following remark in footnote:

akṣṇayā vakrarītyā yathā paśavo gamanakāle svakīyāṅgāni vakrarītyā purovartinaṃ dakṣiṇaṃ pādaṃ purataḥ prakṣipya pāścātyaṃ vāmapādaṃ purataḥ pravartayanti / “akṣṇayā vyāghārayati tasmād akṣṇayā paśavo 'ṅgāni praharanti pratiṣṭhityai” iti śrutiḥ / pratīcyām upakramya prācyām avasāne sati ārjavaṃ bhavati / nairṛtyā, upakramya aiśanyāṃ samāpanaṃ vakratvam / evam itaratrāpi / tad idam akṣṇayety anena ucyate – iti sāyaṇabhāṣye //  

Can someone help me in tracing the exact references of "śruti" and "sāyaṇabhāṣya"? All my attempts so far have proved fruitless. Vidyānātha's edition is easily available with the DLI or ASI digital library: the relevant passage is at page 253. Thanks in advance to the paṇḍitasabhā.

Best wishes
Alessandro Battistini
PhD candidate, Università di Roma La Sapienza