On 09 Feb 2015, at 06:13, Rohana Seneviratne <rohana.seneviratne@orinst.ox.ac.uk> wrote:<Patanjaladarsanam with Maniprabha.pdf>Dear Professor Elliot,I could download from the DLI a fairly good copy of the Yogasutra with Maniprabha. I assume it is not this copy you have found defective.Best Wishes,Rohana------------------------------------------------
Rohana SeneviratneDPhil Student in Sanskrit
The Oriental Institute
Faculty of Oriental Studies
University of Oxford
Pusey Lane, Oxford
United Kingdom
Email: rohana.seneviratne@orinst.ox.ac.uk
Web: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~pemb3753/From: INDOLOGY [indology-bounces@list.indology.info] on behalf of Elliot Stern [emstern@verizon.net]
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2015 9:53 PM
To: Indology Indology listserve
Subject: [INDOLOGY] maṇiprabhā of rāmānandasarasvatīI’m hoping that a list member can share a Sanskrit text of maṇiprabhā of rāmānandasarasvatī, a commentary on the yogasūtra. The DLI copy, which repeatedly failed to download with DLI Downloader turns out to be a defective scan. I tried to download it page by page and found that none of the scanned pages is complete.Elliot M. Stern
552 South 48th Street
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