The comprehensive—nay, exhaustive—reference works on Indic works in Tibetan, and scholarship on these, are Dan Martin’s formidable Tibskrit and Tibschol compendia, available in pdf and doc forms:

In Martin’s own words, this is:

" an essentially Tibetocentric (and secondarily Buddhocentric),but nevertheless Indologically framed, bio-bibliographical work/index with the emphasis on the literary. Another way to put it: This bibliography is most likely to serve the interests of those who are involved in the Indic side of Tibetan or Buddhist Studies, or Indologists who need to find out what Indic or in some way Indian-related materials are available in Tibetan."


The first of these covers, more or less, the entire bka’ ’gyur/bstan ’gyur canon, and will often give the translation date per the colophon in the Tibetan translation.  Tibskrit also gives extensive secondary literature where available.  So, for a slightly more digested version of the ‘going through the Tohoku University Catalogue’ approach, one could peruse this—or search ‘colophon.' 

Tibschol covers the secondary literature, indexed by author’s name, giving about 20,000 entries on Tibetan Buddhism, and covers work outside the philological.  Martin has gone to great lengths to say that these are entirely free for scholarly use.  The links to them exist in various places besides the ones I’ve given here.

Chris Haskett
Centre College

From: James Hartzell <>
Date: Friday, January 30, 2015 at 1:21 PM
To: Dipak Bhattacharya <>
Cc: indology <>
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Tibetan Translations of Indian Texts

I started with a similar approach using the Tohoku University Catalogue of the Tibetan Buddhist canon