The mystery of this 2009 publication may perhaps be solved taking into account the opening lines of Akira Yuyama's most valuable overview (listed on wiki too) of Bagchi's oeuvre:

Images intégrées 1
If the plan started in 1997, then this would explain the presence of scholars like e.g. Alex Wayman (d. 2004).

A more recent discussion of Lévi-Bagchi links regarding a 'Greater India' is Susan Bayly, Sylvain Lévi and the Greater India Society’, in Lyne Bansat–Boudon, Roland Lardinois (dir.), Isabelle Ratié (coll.), Sylvain Lévi (1863–1935): Études indiennes, histoire sociale, Turnhout: Brepols, 2007, with a review in Bulletin d’Études Indiennes 28–29 (2010–2011) [2013], pp. 408–418.

Kind regards,
Eugen Ciurtin
(Institute for the History of Religions, Bucharest)

2014-11-28 20:22 GMT+02:00 Jonathan Silk <>:
I do not know the history of the second mentioned volume, but it cannot actually date from 2009 since several of the contributors listed on the website were quite long dead by that date... I also notice the astonishing price asked for the first listed volume--incredible for books printed in India, I find.

Cordially, Jonathan Silk

On Fri, Nov 28, 2014 at 6:23 PM, Christophe Vielle <> wrote:
About P.C. Bagchi (1898-1956), it should be added that a collection of his papers has been published this year in Kolkata.
See the complete reference with the Table of contents at:

A previous "P.C. Bagchi Centenary Volume" was issued in 2009 - Table of contents available at:

The Wikipedia article on this author is rather furnished:

Best wishes,
Christophe Vielle

Le 21 nov. 2014 à 17:10, Dipak Bhattacharya <> a écrit :


Thanks, dear colleagues! Bagchi's translation is available here but not the original.

I just relate some old anecdotes. We owe it to the poet Tagore that Bagchi translated the work into English. Lévi made such an impression upon Tagore that the latter requested Lévi to train Bagchi in his own way. Lévi and Bagchi became legends at Santiniketan.

I also thank Professor Houben who was instrumental in my becoming a member of Indology.

Best wishes



De: Christophe Vielle <>
Objet: Rép : Converted files of Bagchi
Date: 15 novembre 2014 12:34:54 UTC+1

Thank you very much for this, 
I just discover your message in the same time as the one of Peter Peter Wyzlic below.
Best wishes,
Christophe Vielle

Ok, I worked a bit on the files (reducing the size, adding OCR [a rather crude one], changing the page orientations). You will find Vol. 1 under URL: <>
Vol. 2 under URL: <>

But the entry is currently processed by the uploading system, so it may take some time to be ready. So look in some hours or the next day. When the files are ready I can add links from Vol 1 to Vol 2 and vice versa.

All the best
Peter Wyzlic

Le 15 nov. 2014 à 03:23, Seishi Karashima a écrit :

Dear Dr. Vielle,
I have made the PDF files, which you kindly placed on INDOLOGY, searchable.
With best regards,
Seishi Karashima


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J. Silk
Leiden University
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