Upadhyaya, Ramji/Ramaji. Adhunika Samskrta naataka. (Hindi)
Varnekara/Warnekara, S.B. 1963. Arvaciina Sa.smk.rta saahitya (Marathi)

 Saṃskr̥ta vāṅmaya kośa / sampādaka Śrīdhara Bhāskara Varṇekara. Kalakattā : Bhāratīya Bhāshā Parishada, 1988.

See also the surveys of modern Skt literature written by V. Raghavan for the Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, roughly from 1960-1974.

Since I am traveling, I do not have these books at hand to give page references, but they should have something more than what the Internet tells you.


On Nov 19, 2014, at 11:23 AM, Rohana Seneviratne <rohana.seneviratne@ORINST.OX.AC.UK> wrote:

I am gleaning information on these two Sanskrit writers. 

Vasanta Tryambaka Śevaḍe (1917 - ) 

Brahmānanda Tripāṭhī (1932 - )

Vasanta Śevaḍe is a commentator and a poet who has written a few mahākāvyas, while Brahmānanda Tripāṭhī has edited a number of works by Śevaḍe. I do not know if Śevaḍe is still with us but I believe that some of you might know more about Brahmānanda Tripāṭhī than what the Internet tells us. I will be very much thankful if anybody could let me know any piece of information regarding them, their disciples/ successors or relatives.