The Trivandrum Sanskrit Series has been digitized and uploaded to The Archive:

A few vols. are missing, but not the Vararucasangraha.

The Anandashrama SS is also at The Archive.



On 8 November 2014 19:56, Andrey Klebanov <> wrote:
Dear members of the list, 

being aware of how slim the chances for the success of my query actually are, I, nevertheless, would like to ask, if anyone of you may have a digital copy of this book:
or, in fact, of any other edition of the text known under various names as prayogamukha-[maṇḍala/ maṇḍana], prayogasaṃgraha, vārarucasaṃgraha, kārakacakra etc.

thank you very much in advance, 

Andrey Klebanov

INDOLOGY mailing list