Dear Dr Hellwig,
Regarding the issue of extracting JPEG / PNG / TIFF pages of good quality from PDF, you may have tried Irfanview.
If not, it is worth trying.
For benefit of all scholars I am reproducing the s

1. Go to
2. Click on Download Irfanview.
3. Follow the instruction for installation.
4. Go once again to
5. Click on Download Plugins / addons
6. Follow the instruction for installation.
7. Go to
8. Select the latest version of ghostscript suitable for your system. For me gs915w32.exe worked well.
9. Follow the instruction for installation.
10. After installation of these three applications, launch irfanview.
11. Click on File->Open
12. In files of type -> select *.* (display all files)
13. Browse to your PDF and open it.
14. Go to Options -> Multiple images -> Extract all pages.
15. In  'Save as' set the destination file type (JPEG/PNG/TIFF..... there are many more)
15. Set the destination folder to store images.
16. Click OK.
This will extract single pages of JPEG / PNG / TIFF files from PDF.

Hope this helps in your endeavours.

On Tue, Nov 4, 2014 at 3:13 AM, Matthew Kapstein <> wrote:

Dear Oliver,

Congralutions on the development of this remarkable new research tool.

I hope that the scope your innovative work will continue to flourish.

best regards,

Matthew Kapstein
Directeur d'études,
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

Numata Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies,
The University of Chicago


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