Thanks to those who have responded so far. Though following Adheesh's suggestion, I too have not been able to locate 'Devarukhe' by Mule et al.

If and when located, I'll send a note to the list.


On Sun, Nov 2, 2014 at 12:52 AM, Adheesh Sathaye <> wrote:
Dear Samuel,

Perhaps helpful in your search might be Rosalind O’Hanlon’s note that “These documents have been reprinted in C. Y. Mule et al (eds), _Devarukhe_ (Bombay: Ramesh Visnu Nimbkar, 1973), pp. 87-107.” (cited in O’Hanlon, “Letters Home: Brahman Pandits and the Maratha Regions in Early Modern India,” _Modern Asian Studies_ 44(2010): 201-240, p. 239.)

[I should say that a quick search does not, however, reveal any obvious sources for this reprint either!]

All best wishes,

Adheesh Sathaye
Department of Asian Studies
University of British Columbia

On Nov 1, 2014, at 10.39, Samuel Wright <> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I'm writing to inquire whether anyone might be able to send me a scanned/digital version of Citalebhatta Prakarana (Bombay, 1926) by RS Pimputkar.
> I've not been able to find even one hard copy of this title (searching Worldcat and SAUC, for example) and don't find it in DLI.
> Any help would be much appreciated -
> Many thanks,
> Sam
> Nalanda University
> School of Historical Studies
> Rajgir, Bihar
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