Dear Dominik,
thank you, indeed, for providing a link to the premiere performance of the last major work
by the late Sir John Tavener: a modern classical setting of “Śaṅkara's Saundaryalaharī”.
Very interesting!
However, given this is a scholarly list, it may perhaps be necessary to be slightly more
careful with reproducing ideologically biased ascriptions of authorship.
As well-known, the name of the Advaita philosopher “Śaṅkara” has unfortunately
served as a hook for innumerable such ascriptions to hang on.
Needless to particularly emphasize, there is a long historical gap between
the times of the Advaita author and the origin of the ŚrīVidyā tradition to which
the Saundaryalaharī pertains.
Best wishes,
Hartmut Buescher