Dear Dr. Walser,

"-tvā" is perfectly grammatical and standard, while "-tva" isn't (must be a typo. Most PTS editions were made on a basis of only a few MSS.) See Geiger's "A Pāli grammar", §§ 209-210.

With best regards,
Gleb Sharygin

> I was using the CSCD Pali canon and noticed that in the Sutta Nipata, the
> fourth verse of the Upasivamanavapuccha has the line: Ākiñcaññaṃ nissito
> hitvā maññaṃ. The PTS has, Ākiñcaññaṃ nissito hitva maññaṃ;
> Is  hitvā (long a) a legitimate variant that appears in the Burmese
> version or the Thai version, or is it a typo?
> Thanks!
> -j
> Joseph Walser
> Associate Professor
> Department of Religion
> Tufts University

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