Is Hindu University of America an accredited university? Why does its website show courses only for Winter 2010 ( ? And why is the catalog for 2007 shown as the catalog (



-----Original Message-----
From: Lavanya Vemsani <>
To: indology <>
Sent: Tue, Jul 29, 2014 5:58 pm
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Announcement: New Journal of Hinduism & Call for Papers

Hello All,
 I am happy to announce the launch of a new journal of Hinduism. Please see below for call for papers. 
Thank you,

International Journal of Dharma and Hindu Studies
Call for papers for inaugural issue
International Journal of Dharma and Hindu Studies is a peer reviewed international journal published online by Hindu University of America dedicated to Dharma and Hindu studies covering all the religions with roots in Vedic philosophy and originated from India.
The journal invites original scholarly articles for publication in its inaugural issue scheduled to launch in October, 2014.
The journal is dedicated to encourage scholarly inquiry into the study of all aspects of Hinduism. Hence, the inaugural issue of the journal is especially interested in papers on subjects related to the examination of original sources of Hinduism, and other Dharma traditions of India. The journal seeks interdisciplinary analytical studies of original texts, myths, archaeology, sacred geography, cosmology and cosmogony of Dharma, and Hindu traditions. Historical, religious and cultural interpretation of the multiple aspects of Hinduism and Dharma traditions, as adapted to modern life also forms the central focus of the inaugural issue. 
Please contact the following for further information or to submit your paper: or to either the Editor: or associate editor

Dr. Lavanya Vemsani  Ph.D. History (Univ. of Hyderabad) & Ph.D. Religious Studies (McMaster Univ.)
Distinguished Professor of History, Department of Social Sciences
Portsmouth OH 45662
V:7403513233 F:7403513153
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