Dear Professor D.N. Jha,
I cannot answer to all your queries, but you may find useful the short article I have written a few years ago on the issue of "travel regulations" for the
Brill Encyclopaedia of Hinduism, as it contains some bibliographical references. I have also written (in French) a long article on the difficulties raised by the journey to England of the maharaja of Jaipur in 1902 (to attend the coronation of Edward VII) (see:, I have published a paper on the equation of sea-travel with a "sin" (Clementin-Ojha, Catherine,
“Sin and expiation among modern Hindus: obeying one’s duty or following freely accepted rules?” in Sins and Sinners. Perspectives from Asia Religions edited by Phyllis Granoff and Koichi Shinohara, Leiden, Brill, 2012, pp. 357-380).