Speaking of „the best” – any democratic forum of scholars would certainly welcome the request made earlier for more transparency, particularly in terms of the precise number of members they (unknowingly) communicate with.
As to the petition as such, which was launched by a member of the committee of our list, a brief check just made reveals a number of 62 signatories put under the general label of “success” ("Erfolg" on the German site):
We need of course to know how many of us actually are on this list, as it is always only the total of a certain fraction that can be used as a criterion for assessing something as “success” (or not). Since the petition was made an agenda of this, and only this, list, members may justifiably expect unrestricted statistical information to gauge its results.
It is a sad day when a member of this list chooses to insult the totality of his Canadian and US colleagues with an ethnic/national stereotype and claim such a slur as "truth." It is the kind of day when one has to remind oneself of the many acts of kindness, generosity, and collegial sharing of information and resources across cyberspace to refrain from hitting the "unsubscribe" option. May the best in us continue to prevail!
INDOLOGY mailing list