Dear colleagues,

The appropriateness or otherwise of my rethorical devices is entirely beyond the original point, and hardly a subject of indological interest.
Nitpicking over details is also in itself a well-known rhetorical device to deflect attention from the main argument.
For these reasons, I will respond off-list to this and other similar comments.

Paolo Magnone

On 22/05/2014 14:29, Rosane Rocher wrote:
It is a sad day when a member of this list chooses to insult the 
totality of his Canadian and US colleagues with an ethnic/national 
stereotype and claim such a slur as "truth."  It is the kind of day when 
one has to remind oneself of the many acts of kindness, generosity, and 
collegial sharing of information and resources across cyberspace to 
refrain from hitting the "unsubscribe" option. May the best in us 
continue to prevail!


INDOLOGY mailing list

Messaggio istituzionale

Ricerca, Formazione, Assistenza, Cooperazione e Sviluppo: 5 ragioni per metterci la firma.
Grazie a un gesto semplice puoi sostenere le iniziative dell’Ateneo dei cattolici italiani e del Policlinico “A. Gemelli”.
Sottoscrivi il 5 per mille a favore dell'Università Cattolica.