I'd like to thank Professors Aklujkar and Deshpande, who kindly sent me the pdf of the volume I needed.

best wishes to all

Prof. Dr. Adriano Aprigliano

Universidade de São Paulo

2014-04-21 13:45 GMT-03:00 Madhav Deshpande <mmdesh@umich.edu>:
I am sending to you the pdf of the book you are looking for using the website of WeTransfer.  It is a 130mb file.  You should get a notification from WeTransfer, and then you can download the file.

Madhav Deshpande

On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 9:55 AM, Adriano Aprigliano <aprigliano@usp.br> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I have been trying to purchase for some time Ragunātha-śarmā's commented edition of the 2nd Kāṇḍa of the Vākya-padīya (Saṃpūrṇānanda-saṃskṛta-vidyālaya) with no success. A friend came from India last year with vol. I, and two parts of volume III, the others were out of print, it seemed. I'm in urgent need to get his take on some parts of the 2nd kāṇḍa though. Does anyone have a pdf version of it that could send to me?

Best wishes

Prof. Dr. Adriano Aprigliano

Universidade de São Paulo

INDOLOGY mailing list

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
202 South Thayer Street, Suite 6111
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608, USA