Dear colleagues,

The passing of Prof. Kamaleswar Bhattacharya is indeed sad news. I had the privilege of studying with Prof. Bhattacharya when he was a visitor at the University of Toronto many years ago. My own work has greatly benefited from his careful and broad ranging scholarship. Over the years, I  enjoyed many a conversation with him on a variety of matters, especially his work on Nagarjuna. Most recently, I had an opportunity to spend some time with him during a visit to Paris for a seminar organized by Peter Scharf, which he also attended. Prof. Bhattacharya was a first rate scholar, in my view, and his passing will be a loss to the Sanskrit scholarly community.

Cordially yours,

Brendan Gillon

Brendan S. Gillon                            email:
Department of Linguistics
McGill University                             tel.:  001 514 398 4868
1085, Avenue Docteur-Penfield
Montreal, Quebec                           fax.:  001 514 398 7088
