Dear List members,

I have been encouraged by a few Indologists of the circle since they have responded to my appeal of celebrating the 150th Birth Anniversary of Moriz Winternitz during the time between 2013-2014 (since Winternitz was born on 23 December 1863). I also submitted my website ( where I attached a pdf file of Moriz Winternitz’s biography written by his son Georg (originally in German, but this is an English translation of the original, done by this letter writer).

C.A. Formigatti   has kindly referred to the following book on Moriz Winternitz (which I have already read; it is indeed worth reading)

Carl Cappeller - Moriz Winternitz - Theodor Zachariae
Drei Biographien berühmter Indologen  Von Margot Kraatz und Martin Kraatz, 

München 2010, Indologica Marpurgensia, Band II, P. Kirchheim Verlag, Broschur, viii, 146 S. - ISBN: 978-3-87410-141-7 -Preis: EUR 29,80

I would like to inform all my colleagues that a translation of Moriz Winternitz’s book: Rabindranath Tagore – The Poet’s Religion and World Vision ISBN 978-81-8465-628-2 has been published in 2011 from Calcutta. This is an English translation of the German original. I have attached a synopsis of the book here.

I would like to inform all my friends that the Charles University of Prague is going to publish a book The Scholar as Seer - Moriz Winternitz and East West Dialogue in 2014 authored by this letter writer.


Debabrata Chakrabarti 

“This body is like a musical instrument; what you hear depends upon how you play it.” – Anandamayi Ma

“Inside every human being there exists a special heaven, whole and unbroken.” - Paracelsus