Dear colleagues,

Enclosed please find a call for book chapters for a forthcoming comparative Hindu-Jewish volume. Please be in touch for any exchange of ideas or thoughts, and of course, please feel free to forward this to any individual or forum who may be interested.

 A Happy New Year,




Dr. Ithamar Theodor

Director, The Program for Hindu-Jewish Studies

Dept. of Asian Studies, University of Haifa

Adjunct Assistant Professor - The Professorship in Indian Religions and Culture

Department of Religious and Cultural Studies

The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Call for Book Chapters

Dharma and Halacha:

Comparative Studies in Hindu-Jewish Philosophy, Culture and Religion


Ithamar Theodor                                  Yudit Greenberg

Haifa University                                   Rollins College


Publisher: Lexington Books


 We are seeking proposals for book chapters for our forthcoming co-edited volume Dharma and Halacha: Comparative Studies in Hindu-Jewish Philosophy, Culture and Religion, to be published by Lexington Books.  Please send us proposals in the scope of 250 words; our general expectation is for chapters to be approximately 6,000 words but please specify the proposed chapter length.

Possible topics include: Jewish and Hindu ethics, divinity and divine personhood, the divine feminine, revelation, Dharma and Halacha, notions and practices of purity and impurity, the Epics and the Tanach, Tantra and Kabala, priesthood, notions of holy land, practices of pilgrimage, Kosher and Suci, erotic spiritual poetry, the Guru and the Zaddik, the individual and the community, Ayurveda and traditional Jewish notions of health, and women in Judaism and Hinduism. Other themes in modern and contemporary studies are also invited such as the revival of Hebrew and Sanskrit, the exchanges between Gandhi, Tagore and Jewish intellectuals in 19th-20th centuries, Hindu and Jewish reform movements, feminist and gender studies, and modern political thought and theory. Although this volume is focused on Hindu-Jewish comparative themes, we are also open to consider Jain-Jewish comparative topics such as non violence in Jainism and Judaism or sustainability and ecology in both traditions.


Please send proposals to:



Deadline: January 15th, 2014