History of Science in South Asia has just published a new article
"Beginnings of Indian and Chinese calendrical astronomy" (pp.21-78)
in its
articles and items of interest.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Dominik Wujastyk
HSSA Editorial Board
History of Science in South Asia
Vol 1 (2013)
Table of Contents
The transmission of Greek astral science into India reconsidered - Critical
remarks on the contents and the newly discovered manuscript of the
Yavanajātaka (1-20)
Bill M. Mak
Beginnings of Indian and Chinese calendrical astronomy (21-78)
Asko Parpola
Book reviews
Review of J. M. Delire (ed.), Astronomy and Mathematics In Ancient India
(Leuven, etc.: Peeters, 2012) (79-82)
Clemency Montelle
History of Science in South Asia