Dear readers:

History of Science in South Asia has just published a new article

"​Beginnings of Indian and Chinese calendrical astronomy" (​pp.21-78) ​
by ​Asko Parpola
in its
​ current issue at
We invite youto review the table of contents here and then visit our web site to review
articles and items of interest.

Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,
Dominik Wujastyk
HSSA Editorial Board

History of Science in South Asia
Vol 1 (2013)
Table of Contents

The transmission of Greek astral science into India reconsidered - Critical
remarks on the contents and the newly discovered manuscript of the
Yavanajātaka (1-20)
        Bill M. Mak

Beginnings of Indian and Chinese calendrical astronomy (21-78)
        Asko Parpola

Book reviews
Review of J. M. Delire (ed.), Astronomy and Mathematics In Ancient India
(Leuven, etc.: Peeters, 2012) (79-82)
        Clemency Montelle

History of Science in South Asia