Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am happy to announce Vol. 14/1 of the *Journal of South Asia Women Studies*

In this issue:

Editorial Note: “
Inclusive Rights: On Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code on Sexual Activities”, by Enrica Garzilli

“Deconstructing Social Media in India”, by Alessandro Cisilin

Paper: "
European Union and Empowerment of Women in Afghanistan: Issues and Challenges”, by Sheetal Sharma



Summary of the Papers


The paper “Deconstructing Social Media in India” by Alessandro Cisilin analyzes the role of social networks in India, debunking the myth of the impact of the fast-growing IT sector on poverty reduction.


The paper “European Union and Empowerment of Women in Afghanistan: Issues and Challenges” by Sheetal Sharma attempts to delineate that empowerment of women is important to make women active participant and stakeholder in the process of reconstruction of war torn-Afghanistan, although the concept of empowerment cannot be defined in abstraction and cannot be applied universally. 



Dr Enrica Garzilli
Editor-in-Chief, JSAWS