Don't know about a Kośa reference, but the word clearly betrays a Dravidian connection. See [DEDR 4796] and [CDIAL 9996]. 

Burrow discusses this word in "Dravidian Studies VII", Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Vol. 12,No. 2 (1948), pp. 365-396 (See entries 259 and 275).

275. meṭa- m. a whitewashed, storied house, L. [Pkt. meḍaya-; Guj. meḍī, meḍo an upper storey, etc.].
    ~ Te. mēḍa a house of two or more stories, Ta. mēṭai raised floor, platform, terraced house. Cf. māḍi.


On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 2:41 AM, Arlo Griffiths <> wrote:
Dear colleagues,

I am trying to find the source for this "L." entry in Monier-Williams. Normally, one finds a Kośa reference by checking in PW, or if that fails in pw. Neither PW nor pw seems to have been Monier-WIlliams' source, and the Nachträge don't contain this lemma either. So I am at a loss. Can anyone tell me in what source Monier-Williams may have found this word? Or, more interestingly, can anyone tell me where it is attested, whether "lexicographically" or elsewhere?

Thank you. Best wishes,

Arlo Griffiths

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