Dear list members,
I am searching for an obituary notice for Prof. B. Jinananda. An obituary is mentioned in the table of contents to Sanghasen Singh's Sarvāstivāda and its Traditions (Delhi 1994). However, the obituary (actually multiple obituaries, including those for P. V. Bapat, Raghunath Pandey, and Shanti Bikshu [sic] Shastri) is missing from the volume in question (both in my own personal copy and the library copy at McMaster). The obituarist is listed as Priya Sen Singh. If anybody on the list has these obituaries, I would be much obliged for a copy.
One thing that I am attempting to figure out is who supervised Prof. B. Jinananda's PhD "A Study of the Pali Vinaya Mahavagga in Comparison with the corresponding sections of the Gilgit Manuscripts" at SOAS in 1953. The name of the supervisor seems not to be mentioned in the dissertation itself.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Shayne Clarke
Associate Professor