In a startling and innovative move, the Wellcome Library in London is offering to pay the article-processing fees for open-access publication by authors whose research incorporates a substantive amount of information from the Wellcome collections.  Remember, the Wellcome has a very large collection of Sanskrit, Prakrit, Hindi, Persian, Sinhalese and Tibetan manuscripts and a large collection of Sanskrit and Hindi printed books and lithographs.  And the collections are by no means narrowly confined to medical topics, but cover all disciplines, with world-class strengths in tantra, Jainism, āyurveda, rasaśāstra and stotra.

For the full statement, see this announcement and video:

Dr Dominik Wujastyk
Department of South Asia, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies,
University of Vienna,
Spitalgasse 2-4, Courtyard 2, Entrance 2.1
1090 Vienna, Austria
Adjunct Professor,
Division of Health and Humanities,
St. John's Research Institute, Bangalore, India.
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