I would also be grateful. Thank you!

On Oct 14, 2013, at 4:55 AM, Francois Voegeli <francois.voegeli@gmail.com> wrote:

I would be grateful if someone could send me a copy too.
Thanks in advance.

On 14 oct. 2013, at 08:07, Christèle Barois <christellebarois@WANADOO.FR> wrote:

Dear members of the list,
I should be grateful if someone could send me a copy of John Brockington's article  : "The Puranas - Priestly or Popular ?"
Haryana Sahitya Akademi Journal of Indological Studies 2, 1987, p. 122-134.
I thank you very much in advance,
Christèle Barois
INDOLOGY mailing list

Dr François Voegeli

Senior FNS Researcher
Institut d'Archéologie et des Sciences de l'Antiquité
Anthropole, bureau 4018
Faculté des Lettres
Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne

INDOLOGY mailing list