I think the particular "Snakes and Ladders" illustration at the London RAS that you refer to, Valerie, is the basis of Pargiter's 1916 article:
     jstor_articletype = {research-article},
     title = {An Indian Game; Heaven or Hell},
     author = {Pargiter, F. E.},
     journal = {Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland},
     jstor_issuetitle = {},
     volume = {},
     number = {},
     jstor_formatteddate = {Jul., 1916},
     pages = {pp. 539-542},
     url = {http://www.jstor.org/stable/25189453},
     ISSN = {0035869X},
     abstract = {},
     language = {English},
     year = {1916},
     publisher = {Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland},
     copyright = {Copyright © 1916 Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland},
It was donated to the RAS in 1831, together with now-lost dice and ivory playing pieces.

A quick search for "snakes and ladders" in JSTOR produces a much bigger secondary literature than I would have guessed.


Dr Dominik Wujastyk
Department of South Asia, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies,
University of Vienna,
Spitalgasse 2-4, Courtyard 2, Entrance 2.1
1090 Vienna, Austria
Adjunct Professor,
Division of Health and Humanities,
St. John's Research Institute, Bangalore, India.
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On 4 September 2013 14:31, Valerie J Roebuck <vjroebuck@btinternet.com> wrote:
There's one in the Royal Asiatic Society, London, framed on the wall. I have a photo I took, which shows a fair amount of detail but has a reflection on the glass. I am sure they could provide a better one.

Valerie J Roebuck
Manchester, UK

On 4 Sep 2013, at 10:52, Dominik Wujastyk <wujastyk@gmail.com> wrote:

​There are some classic Snakes and Ladders ("Heaven and Hell") paintings in the collection of the ​
​Wellcome Library in London.  See the links to the library's "Wellcome Images" link below, but also write to a librarian and request:
  • Wellcome MS Indic Raghavan M.17
  • ​Wellcome MS Indic ​​beta 781​<Screenshot from 2013-09-04 11:43:53.png>

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Date: 4 September 2013 11:14
Subject: Snakes and Ladders
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