Something that should make this Independence Day of India especially memorable:

Online Sanskrit Radio

Dear Friends,

Divyavani - The online Sanskrit Radio will be launched at 11am (IST) on 15th August 2013. You can experience it by

It's a twenty-four hours online radio through which one can listen to a variety of programs in Sanskrit, including Songs and shlokas, Sanskrit plays, Sanskrit conversations, Interviews with renowned people, Talks and Speeches, Stories, Jokes and humorous anecdotes, Nursery Rhymes, Children's programs and much more.

This Radio is accessible through Windows, Mac and iPhone/iPad.

Click Here for  the detailed current program schedule after the Launch.

Please send your feedback to

If you would like to participate or contribute to this program please contact us.
Sri Aurobindo Foundation for Indian Culture (SAFIC)
Sri Aurobindo Soceity
11, Saint Martin Street
Puducherry -605001