I am pleased to announce the publication of

The book includes papers by Cristina Pecchia, Philipp Maas, Kenneth Zysk, Tsudomu Yamashita, Manoj Sankaranarayana and P. Ram Manohar, in addition to chapters by each of the editors.  There is a preface and a subject index. 

The book is listed by Amazon.com, but is currently unavailable.  Presumably the entry will go live in the near future.  For Europeans, the book is available at Amazon.de, but seems rather highly priced; perhaps it will come down once distribution gets underway.  The publisher's website is here.

The authors have each retained the copyright of their own contributions to this volume.

Inline images 1n of

Dr Dominik Wujastyk
Department of South Asia, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies,
University of Vienna,
Spitalgasse 2-4, Courtyard 2, Entrance 2.1
1090 Vienna, Austria
Adjunct Professor,
Division of Health and Humanities,
St. John's Research Institute, Bangalore, India.
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