The first time I really ´studied´ Sanskrit (and then understanding the mantras which we had learnt by rote), was in the 70s, and through the Jesuit priest Antoine´s book on Sanskrit. in 2 volumes. Now it sounds strange that a traditional Sanskritist here in Banaras used this as a text book, this was for English speaking students.
By that time I had passed the stage of fearing the classical languages as with Latin when we said at school: Latin is a subject as dead as dead can be; it killed the ancient Romans and now it´s killing me!
Sanskrit is now keeping me alive.
De : Stella Sandahl <>
Objet : Sanskrit Primers: R. Antoine's Sanskrit Manual
Date : 22 juillet 2008
Dear Colleagues,
old Antoine! I think it is still relatively easy to get copies in India.
Unfortunately, the one I used to have (in two volumes) was printed in India and
was very difficult to read because of the so badly printed (and too small)
devanagari script, not to speak of the many printing errors. But it was - and
remains - a very thorough introduction to Sanskrit along with Kale's grammar
(which suffers from the same printing defects).
seems to be an amazing array of published and unpublished Sanskrit primers
which I have been made aware of through kind communications from many
colleagues. Mille grazie! Personally I would have liked to try out David
Shulman's superb primer. Unfortunately it is in Hebrew, and the English
translation is not yet out. Maurer caught my attention because it
is amusing with chapters like "The mysterious gerund" and "The
Romance of compounds" apart from being very well organized.
has too much transliteration, and since it is a teach-yourself-book, there is a
key to all the exercises which is counter-productive in a class room.
Killingley introduces the devanagari script only in lesson 23. Here in Canada,
where more than half (and sometimes all) of the students are of Indian origin,
a text book using so much transliteration will be perceived as arrogant Western
neo-colonialism. And even the least gifted student usually learns the script in
two weeks - that's when I stop transliterating.
regards to all
De : Christophe Vielle <>
Objet : Sanskrit Primers: R. Antoine's Sanskrit Manual
Date : 22 juillet 2008
dare to add another Sanskrit primer to the other excellent ones (Coulson,
Deshpande, etc.) which could have been quoted in the discussion.
years ago, I heard through an Indian friend (a Syriac scholar from Kottayam)
about the high value of the Sanskrit Manual of Father R. Antoine s.j., a
Belgian scholar who taught in St. Xavier's College, Calcutta (cf.
: Robert Antoine: The Indologist by J Felix Raj, SJ).
recently, Prof. Winand Callewaert, from the University of Leuven, told me that
he was also using Antoine's manual for his 1st year Sanskrit students.
finally got an exemplar of this manual through an antiquarian bookseller.
"Part I" is in two volumes entitled "A Sanskrit Manual for High
schools" and "Book of Exercises for the Sanskrit Manual" (1953,
Catholic Press, Ranchi; a think that there was in the seventies a reprint in
one vol.). The 26 lessons, supposed to cover "the matter of the first
three years (standards IV to VI or classes VI to VIII)" of High school,
appears to fit perfectly with a first year Sanskrit at the university level.
lessons are very clear, and the vocabulary to learn, Sanskrit sentences to
translate and composition exercises well chosen.
"Part II" "meant as an immediate preparation for the School
Final Examination", joins in one vol. 27 lessons and the exercices, in
which the Sanskrit sentences are taken from Kaavya-maalaa or Kaalidaasa and
classical literature (+ at the end a list of "verbal roots with their
principal parts", "Sanskrit-English Glossary" and
"English-Sanskrit Glossary"). So, at the end of High school, it was
at that time possible to acquire a Sanskrit level as good as here the level of
Greek and Latin of my forefathers... (which is now only possible to acquire at
the University).
a few misprints to be corrected, the Manual deserves to be reprinted.
shall try with 1st year students the vol. I for the coming academic year.
best wishes,