----- Original Message -----From: elisa freschiTo: IndologySent: Thursday, June 27, 2013 4:17 PMSubject: Re: [INDOLOGY] question for European IndologistsPerhaps a general answer seems to emerge: there is nothing like a uniform European answer.
A few further points:—Stenzler's Grammar has never been used, as far as I know, outside the German-speaking countries—Many have used (both as students and as teachers) Coulson's Teach Yourself Sanskrit, possibly integrating it with Whitney and Speijer's Sanskrit Syntax—In my personal experience, I used (both as a student and as a teacher) Ashok Aklujkar's An Easy Introduction to an Enchanting Language
—If you want to have a deeper glance of the issue, you might want to get in touch with Prof. Iwona Milewska, who is —among many other qualities— also a refined scholar of the history of the didactic of Sanskrit (I might send you her address in case you need it)Best wishes for your research!elisa freschi
Dr. Elisa Freschi
Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Apostelgasse 23
1030 Vienna
Phone +43 1 51581 6433
Fax +43 1 51581 6410
On 27/giu/2013, at 16:05, soni@staff.uni-marburg.de wrote:
When i was at the University of Marburg from 1991-2012 I used Goldman and Goldman for the introductory and Lanman for the advanced course for a start, going on to other texts depending on interest and requirement.
Hope this helps.
Wed, 26 Jun 2013 Herman Tull wrote
In the USA, Lanman's A Sanskrit Reader was, for a century or more, the defacto standard for beginning Sanskrit students (this has changed only inrecent decades with the appearance of Goldman and Goldman, Scharf, Hock,etc).Is there an equivalent introductory text that was used in Europe(Stenzler?) Do European Sanskrit students also work with Nala as a firsttext (which I know is found in Bopp, Boehtlink, Monier-Williams, Stenzler,and Lanman)?Thanks...I'm just looking for a bit of anecdotal evidence here; anycomments will help.--Herman TullPrinceton, NJ
J. Soni, PhDd (BHU and McMaster)
Poltenweg 4
A-6080 Vill/Innsbruck
Telephone: +43-512-37 61 21
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