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From: Sheeba V <v.sheeba@gmail.com>
Date: 24 June 2013 12:18
Subject: Workshop on Navya Nyaya Language and Methodology Level III

Dear sir/Madam,

Chinmaya International Foundation Shodha


Adisankaranilayam, Veliyanad, Ernakulam


A Course in Navya Nyaya Language and

Methodology (Level - III )

5-17 August 2013

Eligibility: Completion of Level – II or Knowledge of Navya Nyaya

Course Content

A). 10 Lectures (20 Hours)

At this level the decoding of negative sentences will be taught. Lectures will focus

on relevant concepts for that.

B). Reading of Sanskrit Text (
Nanvada of Raghunatha) 20 Hours

Faculty :

1) Prof. V. N. Jha, Former Director, Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune.

2) Prof. Ujjwala Jha, Director, Centre of Advanced Study in Sanskrit, University of Pune.

Course Fee:

Students : 1000

Others : 3000

(Includes lodging and boarding)

There will a Test at the end of the Course.


Director (director@chinfo.org)

Dy.director (v.sheeba@chinfo.org)

Phone: +91-9497680167, +91 9567761194

For online registration:  http://www.chinfo.org/index.php?option=com_events_list&


Dpty Director
CIFSS, Adisankaranilayam
Veliyanadu, Kerala