Dear Colleagues,
After a long uphill struggle, we have finally lost. The board of the Faculty of Religious Studies, backed by the Board of the University of
Groningen and supported by the chairman of my department, has decided to close the Institute of Indian Studies.
The tradition of the study of Sanskrit of more than a hundred years in the Groningen University,
which was inaugurated by Jacob Samuel Speyer, will come to an end by 1 August 2013.
I have little hope that protests will make any difference. If you feel inclined to react, though, this reaction could be sent to the following addresses.
President of the Board of the University of Groningen, S. Poppema:
Dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies, G. H. van Kooten:
Chairman of The Department of Comparative and Historical Study of Religion, Kocku Von Stuckradt:
Hans Bakker
Prof Hans T. Bakker
Institute of Indian Studies
University of Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 23
9712 GC Groningen
the Netherlands
tel: +31.(0)50.363.5819
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