Actually, I was led to spill more ink than I had intended... mine was  meant to be nothing more than a passing remark to invite more considerate phrasing of statements involving potentially sensitive issues, as I for one was irked *a very tiny bit* by the apparent dhvani of the original message…

No wish to revive old battles, though — इत्यास्ताम् ।

Paolo Magnone
Sanskrit Language and Literature
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan)

Jambudvipa  - Indology and Sanskrit Studies (

On 24/04/2013 19:22, Matthew Kapstein wrote:
The conversation strikes me as engaging in anachronistic and one-sided stereotypes. Not long
ago many of my French colleague routinely, and with some derision, spoke of anglophone
philosophy as "l'analyse linguistique" and this still comes up in characterizations in the
popular press.

But times have changed - we find a new prominence of historical interest, and much more, in
anglophone philosophy over the past several decades. And even a small dose, here and there,
of anglophone analysis chez les français.

It seems not worth spilling ink (or, perhaps, projecting electrons) over the old battles and

Matthew Kapstein
Directeur d'études,
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes

Numata Visiting Pro
fessor of Buddhist Studies,
The University of Chicago

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