This discussion seems somewhat uninformed by what actually goes on in philosophy departments (and the discipline of philosophy in general). Of course metaphysics and epistemology are core areas of philosophy! No ranked philosophy department in the Anglophone world would be counted as such if it did not have strengths in those areas. Furthermore, one can do metaphysics in a historical mode (by working on a specific figure in the canon, say, Leibniz on modality) or, as is most often the case, by engaging contemporary debates on a given topic (causation, time, personal identity, etc.). So, far from being "old fashioned" or exclusively confined to so-called "continental" departments, metaphysics and ontology (the latter is really just a related subfield of metaphysics) are very much part of the mainstream curriculum in Anglophone philosophy departments.

Christian Coseru
Department of Philosophy
College of Charleston 

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 24, 2013, at 11:09 AM, "Paolo Magnone" <> wrote:

Believe it or not, in some continental, yet undoubtedly western philosophy departments they still teach some old-fashioned philosophical subjects such as ontology and metaphysics... luckily (from my point of view) philosophy in the West has not yet generally become what the Anglosaxon world is trying to reduce it to. So it would be well advised not to make such sweeping statements equating “western philosophy” tout court with analytical philosophy.

Paolo Magnone
Sanskrit Language and Literature
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan)

Jambudvipa  - Indology and Sanskrit Studies (

On 24/04/2013 14:49, Howard Resnick wrote:
In western philosophy departments, logicians critique past theories and argue for what they believe is the best possible logic, but of course the history of logic theories is taught as well. Surely both are taught, at least somewhere, in Indian universities.

Howard Resnick

On Apr 23, 2013, at 9:42 PM, Veeranarayana Pandurangi <> wrote:

Yes sir.
Unlike in west we teach it as we think this is the science. We need to modify if it is no longer justified.

On Apr 24, 2013 12:17 AM, "Jean-Luc Chevillard" <> wrote:
You write

"I think we (naiyayikas) should not be teaching old paramaanu theory if it is really untenable."

This makes me wonder whether you see yourself as teaching theories
or as teaching the history of those theories.

How would you characterize what you do?

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (Paris)

On 23/04/2013 20:05, Veeranarayana Pandurangi wrote:
Dear all

Sorry for crossposting.
I am searching for some realistic modern reveiws/ alternative theories
of paramaanu theory of nyayavaisheshika.

I think we (naiyayikas) should not be teaching old paramaanu theory if
it is really untenable.

निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः।। (भ.गी.)

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