Many-many thanks to all those who have answered my query (Dominik Wujastyk, Corinna Wessels-Mevissen, Christophe Vielle, Britta Schneider and Jürgen Neuss), and who also gave me very valuable additionnal information. 

Jürgen Neuss referred me to "Indian Archaeology – A Review". I know this publication well, but it has unfortunately no indices of any kind. I have heard that someone (B. or F. R. Allchin?) has prepared an index of the volumes up to the 90s, but it has not been published. 

Does anyone know if this index exists, and if it is available somewhere.

Thanks again,

Dr François Voegeli

Senior FNS Researcher
Institut d'Archéologie et des Sciences de l'Antiquité
Anthropole, bureau 4018
Faculté des Lettres
Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne