Dear colleagues,

At the SARIT text archive, we've been experimenting with some innovative ways of displaying texts.  Andrew Ollett has done some wizardry with XML, XSLT and HTML, and Paddy Mc Allister has implemented some of these ideas as style files controlling the display of some texts
at SARIT.  I've done some TEI markup to trigger these display options.  We hope to extend similar techniques, as appropriate, across the SARIT collection.

See, for example:
As you will see, we're highlighting the commentaries in a shaded box, and allowing the base text (mūla) to be in plain text display.  We think this makes the texts much more accessible and clear.  It also helps us to spot occasional errors in encoding (like mistakenly tagging a bit of commentary as if it were base text, or v.v.).

The fact is, once a text is encoded in XML, there are all sorts of possibilities for manipulating it in interesting ways, for display, file-comparison (e.g., Juxta), conversion to other formats, including e-books (OxGarage), printing, coordination with MS images, and other uses.


Dominik Wujastyk