I am forwarding your message to some knowledgeable circles. Positive result, if any, shall be made known.

From: CHRISTOPHER GIBBONS <chris_gibbons@ME.COM>
To: INDOLOGY@liverpool.ac.uk
Sent: Wednesday, 30 January 2013 6:09 AM
Subject: [INDOLOGY] Madhva / Mbh

Dear List,

Is anyone aware of any work done on Madhva's Mbh commentary the Mahābhāratatātparyanirṇaya? 

Anything published on the work may prove useful to me. An initial internet search suggests at least the publication of a 2007 edition, possibly with an English introduction. Apologies if I've overlooked an obvious publication before sending this email!
Thanks for any suggestions,

PhD Candidate
School of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics
Faculty of Arts
The University of Queensland
Email: s4297473@student.uq.edu.au