Please take note of the following NEH summer seminar that I am posting on behalf of Jack Petranker, Director of the Managalam Research Center in Berkeley. All queries should be directed directly to Jack Petranker <>.

Kind regards,

Alexander von Rospatt 
(Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies
University of California, Berkeley) 

This summer, Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages will be hosting a four-week NEH Summer Seminar, “Understanding Buddhism through its Classic Texts.” The program will be held from July 8-August 2, 2013 in Berkeley, CA. It will be led by Professors Luis Gómez (emeritus, University of Michigan) and Parimal Patil (Harvard).
The deadline for applications is March 4, 2013. Successful applicants will receive a $3,300 stipend through the NEH to defray the costs of attending the program (travel, housing, etc.) No tuition is charged for the program itself.
Since the program requires no knowledge of the canonical languages, it should have broad appeal across a variety of disciplines, including religious studies, Asian studies, art history, area studies, philosophy, psychology, and sociology. However, Drs. Gómez and Patil will arrange special sessions for any participants who do know one or more canonical languages.
The program is open to faculty teaching at the undergraduate level, and two positions are reserved for graduate students who plan an academic career. More details can be found at For questions, please contact Samra Girma,
We would appreciate your calling the program to the attention of colleagues who use or might wish to use Buddhist texts in their courses. Hard copies of fliers announcing the program can be mailed on request.
With regards,
Jack Petranker, Director
Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist Languages