To all,
This day,the 12th of January,marks the 150TH Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda,the ephemeral spritual Indian visionary who was the sole voice of India to the entire world till he breathed his last on 4th of July 1902.
I would like to take this oppurtunity and mention some of his sayings which had greatly influenced me, speaks highly of India's Upanishadic tradition , and acts as a stimulant in our human efforts to put an end to inertia of inactivity and slumber.

1.'Arise and awake! And stop not till the goal is reached.

2.'Religion is not in books, nor in theories---it is being and

3.'Religion consists in Realisation'

4. All expansion is life.
All contraction is death.

5.' Everything must be sacrificed for that one sentiment,
6.Every idea has to become broad till it covers the
whole of this world.
7. Every aspiration must go on till it engulfed the
whole of humanity.
8.'The second great idea the world is waiting to receive
from the Upanishad is the solidarity of the Universe.
9. Mankind ought to be taught that religions are but
the varied expressions of THE RELIGION,
which is ONENESS.
10.While referring to Buddha, Swamiji uttered" Shakya
Muni... was the fulfillment,the logical conclusion,
logical development of the Religion the Hindus.

Looking forward to further enlightment on the above.


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