Dear colleagues and friends,
although I would not recommend it for Christmas, I realise I did not announce the release of this book of mine:
Duty, language and exegesis in Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā: Including an edition and translation of Rāmānujācārya's Tantrarahasya, Śāstraprameyapariccheda.
The book is included in the Jerusalem Studies on the History of Religion
Series and has been published by Brill, Leiden in November 2012.
Apart from the (to whose author goes my gratitude for his great work) and the Brill webpages, you might find further information here:
Further information, including my attempts to overcome the high price of the book:
Any suggestions and criticisms are warmly welcome,
elisa freschi
Dr. Elisa Freschi
Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia
Centre for Studies in Asian Cultures and Social Anthropology
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Apostelgasse 23
1030 Vienna
Phone +43 1 51581 6433
Fax +43 1 51581 6410