Perhaps I should have mentioned that as an educated European, it would not matter to my colleague whether the book is in German, French, or Italian (though Russian might be a bridge too far--I did not check about this!)
dear Colleagues,I have a colleague who is a classicist, whom I may be convincing it would be great to study Sanskrit. I'm not sure what would be the best book to use for someone who is entirely at home in Greek (and Latin) but doesn't know an Indic language. I thought of Stenzler, but then, which edition? Or is there a better choice? It may be disloyal given where I teach, but I consider Gonda to be impossible as anything other than a list of forms...thanks so much in advance for the advice, jonathan--
J. Silk
Instituut Kern / Universiteit Leiden
Leiden University Institute for Area Studies, LIASJohan Huizinga Building, Room 1.37Doelensteeg 162311 VL LeidenThe Netherlands