Dear Users of SARDS,

I am sorry to have to inform you that the database server of the University of Halle went completely down.
It will therefore take considerable time until the "South Asia Research Documentation Services" (SARDS3) []

and the Cumulative Index on the "Kleine Schriften" of German Indologists

will be operative again.

Kindly regarding,
Walter Slaje

Prof. Dr. Walter Slaje
Hermann-Löns-Str. 1
D-99425 Weimar

Ego ex animi mei sententia spondeo ac polliceor

studia humanitatis impigro labore culturum et provecturum

non sordidi lucri causa nec ad vanam captandam gloriam,

sed quo magis veritas propagetur et lux eius, qua salus

humani generis continetur, clarius effulgeat.

Vindobonae, die XXI. mensis Novembris MCMLXXXIII.