Dear Professor Deshpande,
I thank you for the information, but I do not find the way to elicit an answer from the Institute. I like to buy two publications of it. A reputed publihser-cum-agent here at Santiniketan acknowledged its inability to get them for me. I emailed to the BORI's current email ID without result. I posted a snail mail letter to the Secretary;  Failure again.  I noticed deterioration at the BORI since Professor Dandekar's death. After Professor Laddu the state of affairs came to be the worst. Long ago I brought this personally to the notice of Prof. Dhadphale at Mumbai. That resulted in a reply when I wrote to him a few days later. But he was soon removed and the state of affairs relapsed.
The difficulty is that I have no time to go to Pune and buy the books, available according to my information, at Pune itself. But, it seems, that is the only way out!
In contrast the VVRI or Munshiram Manoharlal is prompt and overzealous in executing a orders at short notice.

From: Madhav Deshpande <mmdesh@UMICH.EDU>
Sent: Sunday, 26 August 2012 11:54 PM
Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Ordering Bori mss in microfilm

Hello Everyone,

Just to clarify that Maitreyi Deshpande is no longer the Hon. Secretary of BORI.  She has been replaced a few months ago by Mr. Arun Barve.  For the changes that have occurred, take a look at the following news report:

I was in Pune in June for three weeks and gave a talk at the BORI, but did not see Maitreyi Deshpande.  I would suggest that you write to Mr. Arun Barve who is now the Hon. Secretary.

Madhav Deshpande

On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 1:11 PM, Lyne BANSAT-BOUDON <> wrote:
Dear Colleague,

I discover your query only today. I have got a BORI's consent to get copies from the IGNCA, a few months ago. I know your concern is different, yet you may try to write also to Maitreyee Deshpande, Hon. Secretary, BORI, Pune: <>, who has been quite helpful in my case.


Prof. Lyne Bansat-Boudon
Directeur d'Etudes
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, sciences religieuses,
Sorbonne,45-47, rue des Ecoles,
75005 Paris -- France.

Le 24 juil. 12 à 13:11, Benjamin Fleming a écrit :

Dear All,

Thanks to those on and off list for the contact info for Shreenand. I now have three working emails through which I can contact him. Hopefully I will be able to rustle up the manuscript that I need in this way.



Benjamin Fleming, 
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Religious Studies; 
Cataloger, Sanskrit Manuscripts, Rare Book & Manuscript Library;
University of Pennsylvania 249 S. 36th Street, 
201 Claudia Cohen Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19104 U.S.A. 
Telephone - 215-900-5744 

> Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 16:11:39 +0000
> From: mmdesh@UMICH.EDU
> Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Ordering Bori mss in microfilm
> To:
> Hello Ben,
> The email address for BORI that you gave is the old/out-dated address. Their new address is: I was in Pune most of June 2012 and been to BORI recently. I think you can use this email address and direct your message to Bapat.
> Madhav
> Madhav M. Deshpande
> Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics
> Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
> 202 South Thayer Street, Suite 6111
> The University of Michigan
> Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-1608, USA
> ________________________________________
> From: Benjamin Fleming []
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 11:43 AM
> To: Deshpande, Madhav; UK Indology
> Subject: RE: [INDOLOGY] Ordering Bori mss in microfilm
> Does anyone have Shrinand Bapat's email address or is the Institute email best? <<>
> Best,
> BF
> > Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2012 14:55:09 +0000
> > From: mmdesh@UMICH.EDU
> > Subject: Re: [INDOLOGY] Ordering Bori mss in microfilm
> > To:
> >
> > You should try contacting Shrinand Bapat at the BORI. He handles the manuscript library and may be able to help you.
> >
> > Madhav M. Deshpande
> > Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics
> > Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
> > 202 South Thayer Street, Suite 6111
> > The University of Michigan
> > Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104-1608, USA
> > ________________________________________
> > From: Indology [] on behalf of Benjamin Fleming [fleming_b4@HOTMAIL.COM]
> > Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 10:40 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [INDOLOGY] Ordering Bori mss in microfilm
> >
> > Dear list,
> >
> > Does any one have experience ordering copies of manuscripts from the Bhandarkar Institute that have been microfilmed?
> >
> > The one time I collected manuscripts from them I went in person and had photocopies made, but I also know that some manuscripts are available on microfilm. I assume that it is possible to order copies of specific mss, but am unclear on how to go about it
> >
> > It has been a number of years since I was there and the people in charge have changed. I have not found the website helpful with respect to ordering copies.
> >
> > Any help as to the best way to receive copies in a relatively timely manner would be most appreciated!
> >
> > Best,
> > Benjamin
> >
> > --
> >
> > Benjamin Fleming,
> > Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Religious Studies;
> > Cataloger, Sanskrit Manuscripts, Rare Book & Manuscript Library;
> > University of Pennsylvania 249 S. 36th Street,
> > 201 Claudia Cohen Hall
> > Philadelphia, PA 19104 U.S.A.
> > Telephone - 215-900-5744
> >

Madhav M. Deshpande
Professor of Sanskrit and Linguistics
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
202 South Thayer Street, Suite 6111
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608, USA