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From: Dr V. Vergiani <vv234@cam.ac.uk>
Date: 23 July 2012 14:05
Subject: Sanskrit Manuscripts Project, Cambridge - First Release

Dear colleagues and friends,

as part of the project "The intellectual and religious traditions of South Asia as seen through the Sanskrit manuscript collections of the University Library, Cambridge" (http://sanskrit.lib.cam.ac.uk/), funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), I am pleased to announce the release of the first batch of catalogue records and digital images of South Asian manuscripts, which you can find at the following address:


The next release will be in the autumn. In the meantime, we look forward to your comments and feedback.

Best wishes,

Vincenzo Vergiani
Director of the Project

Dr Vincenzo Vergiani
Lecturer in Sanskrit
Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Sidgwick Avenue
Cambridge CB3 9DA
telephone 01223 335135
fax 01223 335110
email vv234@cam.ac.uk