In this earlier post of mine, 'āḷcca' and 'āḻcca' should read 'āḷca' and āḻca' respectively. I regret the error.


On Jul 31, 2011, at 11:20 AM, Sudalaimuthu Palaniappan wrote:

In Tamil and Malayalam some words with original ḷ are hypercorrected and pronounced with ḻ. 

Examples include the following

Ta. Āḷvār>Āḻvār (See
Ta. kēḷvi > kēḻvi (See Comparative Dravidian Phonology by Kamil Zvelebil, 1970, p. 141)
Ma. *āḷcca > āḻcca (DEDR 5157)

Given that Jaiminīya Sāma Vedic pronunciation by Malayalam-speaking Nambudiri brahmins has iḻā, I wonder if the Sanskritists would consider that to be a case of hypercorrection for original iḷā. 

Thanks in advance.
