Dear Members of the list,
My colleague and friend Jean-Marie Verpoorten, whose last book on  karman jāti  and  sasāra in early Buddhism is just issued
(see / )
asks me if it is possible for someone to provide him with a copy (.pdf or paper) of Jean-Marie Verpoorten's article entitled
"Les dieux védiques Varuņa et Indra dans le Canon Bouddhique Pāli", 
issued in Studia Asiatica : Revue internationale d'études asiatiques = International Journal for Asian studies  (Romanian Association for the History of Religions ; Institute for the History of Religions, Romanian Academy, Bucharest), vol. 11/1-2 (= Proceedings of the 6th EASR / IAHR Special Conference Religious History of Europe and Asia, Bucharest, 20-23 September 2006, Volume 4-5), 2010, pp. 173-182 (see 
Apparently not yet available at:
He is indeed himself unable to get a copy of his own contribution... that he would like to read in its published form!
Thanks for him
(in the case you can help, you can email me or him <>)
With best wishes,
Christophe Vielle