Dear Colleagues and Friends,
I would like to share with you information on a book, which I have edited together with a colleague of mine, Prof. Subrata K. Mitra, on the subject of re-use in art history and political sciences. It has been published by SAGE India. Please find the information below:
Re-Use - The Art and Politics of Integration and Anxiety
by Julia A B Hegewald and Subrata K Mitra (eds.)
February 2012 360 pages SAGE Publications Pvt. Ltd
Hardcover ISBN: 9788132106555
£47.50, $60.00, Rs 1500

Presented here is a novel approach to understanding the relationship between the past and the present using the unique concept of re-use, wherein elements from the past are strategically adapted into the present, and thus become part of a new modernity. The book uses this method as a heuristic tool for analyzing and interpreting cultural and political changes and the transnational flow of ideas, concepts and objects. The chapters apply this concept to South Asia but the concept of re-use and the method of its application are both general and amenable to cross-cultural and comparative analysis.
Re-use is a collection of well-researched and lucidly written scholarly articles that apply the concept of re-use to different aspects of cultural, political and material life—from art, architecture and jewelry to religion, statesmen and legislatures. By not treating artistic, political, religious and cultural developments as linear evolutions, this book encourages readers to understand them as a continuous modification of the past and a periodic return to earlier forms.
Beautifully illustrated with exquisite images, and containing a scholarly bibliography pointing in the direction of hitherto unexplored terrain, this new text will be a source of inspiration to the specialist and a source of delight to the general reader.
Table of Contents
1. Art and Politics: The Dialectics of Duality, Affinity and Confluence
Julia A. B. Hegewald and Subrata K. Mitra
2. Towards a Theory of Re-use: Desecration, Retro and Fake Versus
Improvement, Innovation and Integration
Julia A. B. Hegewald
3. The Past in the Present: Temple Conversions in Karnataka and Appropriation
and Re-use in Orissa
Julia A. B. Hegewald and Subrata K. Mitra
4. Chola and Neo-Chola Temple Architecture in and around Kumbakonam, Tamil Nadu
George Michell
5. Indian Jewellery and 19th-Century Britain: Evolving Patterns of Re-use
Nick Barnard
6. Re-use in the Yakshagana Theatre of Coastal Karnataka
Katrin Binder
7. Indian Painting at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century: Modernism and
Re-use of Ancient Pictorial Traditions
Tiziana Lorenzetti
8. Politics of Art and the Art of Politics: Re-use of ‘Tribal’ Arts and Artefacts in
Modern Orissa
Prasanna K. Nayak
9. Another Form of Re-use?: Institutional Continuity and ‘Indigenisation’ of
Westminster Parliamentarism and Western Party Politics in Post-colonial India
Clemens Spiess
10. Myth, Idea, Dream and Vision: Nehru’s Discovery of India
Jivanta Schöttli
11. Use and Re-use of ‘Pakistan’ in the Indian Muslim Press (1932-1947)
Thierry DiCostanzo
12. Buddhism and Collective Emancipation in Modern India: A Sociological
Investigation of B. R. Ambedkar’s Re-use of Buddha’s Dharma in the Dalit
Edward A. Rodrigues
13. ‘The Jain Way of Life:’ Modern Re-use and Re-interpretation of Ancient Jain
Sabine Scholz
14. Icons, Nations and Re-use: Marianne, France, and Bharat Mata, India
Subrata K. Mitra and Lion König
List of Plates
Notes on Contributors
Prof. Dr. Julia A. B. Hegewald
Professor of Oriental Art History
Head of Department
University of Bonn
Institut fuer Orient- und Asienwissenschaften (IOA)
Abteilung fuer Asiatische und Islamische Kunstgeschichte
Adenauerallee 10
D – 53113 Bonn
Tel. 0049-228-73 7213
Fax. 0049-228-73 4042