Dear George,

A support fund such as you suggest would be grand.

It would take negotiation with the leaders at the KSSRI, of course, and a knowledge of what they actually may get from the government. 

I don't mean to be fanciful in suggesting also that modern crowd-funding could be relevant here.  If the KSSRI (or one of us speaking for the institution) could frame something that looked like a finite project, then it could be put up on Kickstarter.  We could circulate this funding opportunity here in the INDOLOGY list, so that those willing and able from our community could put something in the pot.  Using Kickstarter would give a clear framework for the funding, which would be helpful.

On 4 April 2012 16:00, George Cardona <> wrote:
This is very distressing. I have had fruitful contact with the institute since the mid 1960's, and have lectured there on several occasions.  Their scholarly enterprise and hospitality merit the strongest efforts to maintain this valuable institute.  Is it possible for a fund to be set up with contributions from scholars in India and elsewhere?  George

On Apr 4, 2012, at 3:51 AM, Dominik Wujastyk wrote:

Dr Dominik Wujastyk
Department of South Asia, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies,
University of Vienna,
Spitalgasse 2-4, Courtyard 2, Entrance 2.1
1090 Vienna